Nearby places

Go to sub-menus, f.ex.

Alcalá del Júcar.  146 km north west of Alicante. Caves, narrow streets, a Castle, Church, Bridge.

Alcoy. 64 km west of Alicante. Celebration of Christianos y Morenos every year.

Algar waterfalls. 60 km north west of Alicante. Nice waterfalls for bathing/relaxing.

Callosa del Segura. 31 km north/west of Torrevieja.

Carthagena. 130 km south of Alicante. Roman theatre (amfi), archaeological museum.

Elch / Elx.  28 km south west of Alicante. 200.000 palms (nice park),  archaeological museum.

El Molino del Río. 160 km west of Alicante. Hotel in an old mill.

Jumilla. 90 km west of Alicante. 50 registered wineries.
